Keeping our customer on the road is an important part of standing behind our product. All equipment will eventually require some form of repair or service and we are there to support our customers when that time comes. Our service departments are the place where we keep customers happy and returning time and time again. We have built our reputation on providing the best experience for our customers through the life of their vehicle. There is nothing more satisfying than having a customer bring a trailer into us after 30 years on the road.
Service Technician / Mechanic
Welders are at the core of where our products gain their reputation for quality. Whether you are building a trailer, a flat deck, or welding a body onto a chassis, the quality of our welding needs to be top notch. We hire welders at all levels and generally work in steel or aluminum.Technicians are experts on our products. Using their technical knowledge, our service team is able to quickly diagnose and repair almost any problem. Our service area tends to see the widest variety of issues as they support vehicles that may be decades old. For all of our businesses we prefer experienced people due to the variety of what we see. For our trailer business we prefer those with a 310J license, but we are also interested in those who have experience without the designation. Our truck business does not require a 310 license since we do not perform service on the chassis engines, but we do require experience. Many of our employees work into service roles as they gain knowledge of the many areas of our operation.

Service Advisor
The Service Advisor team is at the front of the line when dealing with our customers. They are the face of the company and need to represent Gincor as a professional and friendly place. In addition, our Service Advisors need to be able to think quick to respond to customer needs and appropriately schedule and track service work. They are responsible for the whole front-end process of service and communicating with the shop to make sure the link between customers and the service of their products is made. We normally prefer experienced Service Advisors from the automotive or like industry.
Parts Advisor
Parts Advisors may be a stand alone job or may be part of the Service Advisor role. Our parts people develop a thorough knowledge of our parts and how to recognize a part requirement and where to source it. We look for individuals with great customer skills and who are technically savvy. We will also train those who have some parts experience, but not necessarily specific to our products provided they are extremely well organized and have great customer service skills.